Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Week three reflection

The third class began with the lecturer asking for our comprehension of how to complete the assignment two task. It seems that most of us were not sure and confused about the processes we need to do. I think this were the opportunity for us to ask her questions about our doubts so we are on the right track and working towards completing the assignment. I believe that the problem occurred because we were rarely given a task to research online because our previous assignments can be done simply by reading books alone; no need to browse the internet or other software and applications.

Aside from that, we were also given the third assignment during the third week. The assignment required us to do photo editing which is something very unfamiliar to me, but hopefully it would provide me with new and valuable learning experience so I could make use of such skill as I progress towards becoming a better teacher. At first, this assignment seemed similar like the previous one where we had to work in group of five people, but strangely speaking, we had to take apart our old group members and reassemble it with a new one. Fortunately, I do not have to find my group members by myself or beg for any vacancies because the lecturer required us to make a draw. I find this method less time-consuming, less hassle, efficient, and fair to all of my friends. Again, we are arranged by the lecturer to work and collaborate with random people, which I still believe has a positive effect in developing our interpersonal skills, aside from open opportunities to benefit from peer learning from different people of varying personalities. For example, one of my new group member taught me about free application from the internet like flicker, webshots, photowiewer and 21centuryconnections, which are important in the effort to become adaptable with photo editing. I guess we really do benefit if we really have the confidence to seek others’ knowledge and assistance. But the sharing or knowledge should be a two way effort where we do not also contribute information to others, but also receive new ones from interactive discussion and sharing. That way, everyone is a winner and both party are rewarded justly. In my case for instance, as a token of appreciation for my friend to share his knowledge, I taught him about the use of ‘print screen’, ‘alt + F4’ buttons and usefulness of ‘keepvid’ application which I learned from another friend last week, as part of the knowledge sharing effort. Though it is a great idea to learn from others, but it unfortunately at the same time, we find it difficult to find time for discussion since each of us live very far away from one another. I understand that we can also discuss online but the result is usually halted due to lack of face-to-face interactions. Therefore, I think it is better to work with people who are near to us rather than facing such problem.

Honestly, I was very surprised with the allocation of assignment given to us virtually one every week. This was really something I had not expected because during the learning period in Institut Perguruan Ilmu Khas (IPIK), our assignments were handed to us about one assignment to be done in a month where the situation in UM is shortened to a week or two before submission. Things were pretty hectic for me in terms of time management because I usually resort to attempt doing the assignment at the last minute, not to forget that i am also burdened by other assignments from other subjects like Assessment and Technology. Perhaps, the time has come for me to eradicate my laziness or the ‘dark side’ of my attitude and change into a more hardworking and positive personality towards completing my responsibilities as a student of UM and also to work on how to improve myself to become a better teacher.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

a or two thing to ponder..

I found some information for you guys who wants to buy laptop. These are the sites that you can visit in deciding which processor suits your money best.

sometimes we forget, sometimes we question, and sometimes we take it for granted.. the life that we lead now, a wonderful life, is far greater than the ones led by our unfortunate brethren outside M'sia.. upon HIM should our utmost gratitude be shown.. =)

Monday, July 21, 2008

Week two reflection

The second week of PBEY 3102 subject proved yet to be another interesting and beneficial experience to me. During this week, we were tasked with our second assignment. Though I feel it is a little bit early to be given another assignment because we just received our first one last week, I try to calm myself and try to accommodate with the responsibilities of a student in UM. The second assignment required us to search on valuable resources like video clips, audio and visual aids through the medium of web searching, downloading, encoding, storing and saving files which will later on be compiled in a portfolio. Since I am not a very computer or internet-savvy person, I am not very sure on how to begin my research. Fortunately, the assignment is done in group of five people to make completion of the task easier and less time consuming. I was thrilled because I was planning to form a group based on the members of my housemates because it is much easier and flexible to do work with people who live near to you. However, far from what I had in mind, the each group is required to be multiracial and a combination of both genders. Though it saddens me not being able to work with people who I really know of, I have to take this situation positively and prepare for the unknown. As required, my group consist of me, Husna, Huda, Yana, and Jaswinder, which makes it four girls and one guy. Although i am not very fond of the ratio four-to-one, I believe the lecturer has a positive intention of making the group members allocation as such, probably to elicit teamwork and efficiency of working between the opposite genders. This is important for me as to create confidence and good interpersonal skill when i am transferred to a school where teachers are mainly females. Being the only male in the group and ‘promoted’ to be its leader, I had no intention of applying autocratic leadership. I hope that I am worthy of leading my group members while at the same time treating this responsibility as an opportunity to develop the skills of good leadership which I believe is a valuable experience before I become a teacher in a real school context.

In addition, we also we taught about the various components of technology for example the ability to recognize and differentiate between technology and non-technology teaching aids that are still practised in the real world, for example like games, animations, videos and so on. To me, this proofs to be an eye-opener as how much technology of countless resources could be developed and used in making the teaching and learning processes better and more beneficial to learners. As far as I am concern, most of the teaching aids I have created so far are mainly traditional technology like using mahjong paper, paper drawings, puzzle blocks and so on. Though these teaching aids may provide concrete assistance to children’s learning as proposed by Jean Piaget’s Concrete Operational stage, they are not up-to-date with the progress in technology. We find that using technology like the SMART board for instance, provides a totally different learning experience because it introduces children to interactive learning and two-way communication where they give response and interact with the board simultaneously and visually. From my past experience, children are easily distracted and get board if the learning and teaching process is dull and boring. But if the SMART board is used efficiently, it can arouse their attention, making them more focused and benefit throughout the learning period.

Besides that, I also learn a few things about how to create a tutorial. Basically, it requires me to create a detailed step-by-step progress of how to find, develop and use the materials we find that have high potential in learning and teaching context. I learned some useful keys on the keyboard like for instance, ‘print screen’ button that helps to copy and paste the page we are at and transfer it into other application like MSWord or MSPowerpoint with just a click of a few buttons. This was just some of the new knowledge that i have learnt from my group members which proofs that cooperative and collaborative assistance are essential for one’s own progress and developments. I would like to send my gratitude to all my friends who have taught me about the IT world that I know so little of. Thank you.

Week one reflection

In this new and demanding age where teaching profession is becoming to be ever challenging, teachers need to have a clear overview of the goals the school has emphasized on. This is particularly important in ensuring that they are on the right track, constructing effective and relevant teaching and learning frameworks and resources, employing strategies that are suited and valid for their pupils’ varying interest and abilities, in achieving the school intended goals and is at par with the goals of National Philosophy of Education as well. The first week of attending ‘Using and developing resources for the ESL classroom’ subject made me realize the diverse ways of creating creative and interesting materials or resources and its importance in the teaching in schools.

One of the new ways was through blogging. Though it was not the first time I encountered such word, I have absolutely zero knowledge of its meanings, let alone its functions and benefit to us future-teachers. To make things worse, we were also given our first assignment which is the construction of our very own blog. During the class period, I could see some of my friends having no problem understanding about blogging, which in other words, made me feel left behind and scared. Luckily, through your explanation, I have form a basic understanding about blogging and how it is useful in becoming a medium of expressing one’s thoughts and ideas to be known by others, which is an interactive mode of sharing one’s problems and collaborating with others to find the most suitable solution. As future-teachers, I believe such method is becoming more important as the information we could gain is always up-dated and is set at par with current issues in crafting latest teaching resources. To put it in other words, I cannot wait to discover other relevant and latest methods which a teacher can utilize in helping him or her benefit more in using and developing suitable resources for the ESL classroom.

Before the class began, I already have a few expectations on what to learn and how I can benefit from your lecture. Initially, I was hoping that I could learn how to construct my very own video and try to relate it to the classroom teaching and learning process so that learning can be more fun and interactive at the same time. Of course, in the real world, there countless ways of how I can learn it on my own pace, like for example from the internet, books from the library and so on. But I figured that it would be best to initiate the learning directly with a real lecturer, who I can consult for assistance whenever possible via e-mail or blogger mediums.

In a nutshell, as teachers of tomorrow, it is inevitable that in order to ensure successful teaching and learning process proceeds as planned, the effort of using and developing effective teaching materials for the ESL classroom plays one of the most important part.

turn a new leaf..

Since I came to UM, I had nothing but finding myself in trouble with all the assignments and new learning environment.. it's been hectic but at the same time interesting though.. I guess it's time for me to turn over a new leaf and begin to diminish my old lazy self. I hope I can find ways to coop with these new challenges and atmosphere soo.. otherwise i might end up regretting..

Thursday, July 10, 2008

still new

I'm still new with blogging so I hope I can learn more in the future. Do visit me if you have the time. Hopefully I have something interesting to share with all of you..