Friday, October 24, 2008

Final Blog: Reflection (Part 2)

Throughout the course and from the process of blogging, I have learnt a lot of things. In terms of critical thinking, I remembered a desperate situation where a friend of mine asked me about how to upload a PowerPoint slide into his blog. This was a very unfamiliar problem to me and it made me think deeply as the slides were actually important supporting teaching aids which that reinforce his reflection for his blog. I went through an hour of trial and error experimenting with the limited knowledge I have using the PowerPoint application and blogging options until finally, the solution became clear to me. It was actually a matter of setting the directory of the slides location to be in harmony that blogging options in order for the slides to make operate smoothly. To clarify, his misery was actually an opportunity for me to learn something new and beneficial so that I will know how to deal with similar problems in the future.

In terms of entrepreneurship skills, I learnt about the importance of arousing people’s attention towards reading my blog. In order to attract them, I went into a period of experimentation with various numbers of websites found in the internet like to add colourful and fascinating GIFs and animations. Thankfully, even though I only managed to raise a fair number of people to visit my blog, the knowledge I gained now might be helpful for me when I am tasked to design a website for my school in the future.

As much as I like blogging and the ways I learnt new medium of knowledge, there are some factors that prevented me from doing so. Apparently, I have been accused of negatively commenting some people in my blog. This has somewhat made me feel demotivated to continue writing a good piece of work. I believe that such accusation was made purely on a mixture of unnecessary feelings of anger and hatred which at the end does not reflect a sense of professionalism of such people. If a person who would read my blog from the beginning until the end, it will be impossible for him or her to find any name of people being criticized. Every page of blog that I wrote was the exact documentation of the learning process that was conducted in each class and the events that occurred during the period. I stated all that I find important so that people would take some time to reflect and avoid repeating the same mistakes again in the future. I even suggested some ways of how the learning experience could be made clearer, focused and enjoyable. Regrettably, some people still view my hard effort as a medium for criticizing them. I always held on to the belief that no one is perfect and that each human is never far away from making mistakes. That is why we have other people around us such as friends, who could help us see our ‘loopholes’ and weaknesses that are invisible to us. I believe that as an educator, we must always be fair and equal when marking each of our learners’ hard work. There must not be any mixture of feelings involved so that our judgements can be made professional. This is crucial because if we do not practice it in such a way, we will have to answer to ALLAH for being unfair. 

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