Thursday, September 11, 2008

Week 9 Reflection

“..Strike your enemy from within..” (The Art Of War)

Life is a battlefield filled with relentless trials and challenges that sometime struck us on the outside and internally as well. Often, we find ourselves engulfed by problems that seemed endless and haut us day and night. But when we lean back and take some time to reflect, the pieces for finding the right solution gradually comes together. As the saying goes, the enemy which hinders us from progressing and completing our responsibility is actually our own self. When the body is crumbled with countless outside pressure, the presence of patience and calmness provide assistance to the soul, helping it to meditate and visualize the core of each problem with ease. Thus, having patience and maintain a cool conscious are a necessity when it comes to deliberate the body and soul from trials of life. I find myself in need of patience as a weapon to deflect and resolve the tasks and assignments bombarded to me virtually every day, 24-7! Moreover, with the advent of fasting season, it also provides me the greatest moment to practice building a good foundation in terms of patience and calmness.

The ninth class had undergone a clarification period regarding our tasks, assignments and so forth. Basically, I find the idea of having a portfolio as a must, regardless of our status as a university student or a primary school learner. This is due to the fact that it carries many positive effects and benefit to the learner later on. Aside from being a formal medium for assessment, the portfolio functions as a black and white evidence that records all the work and tasks done by the learner in a systematic and chorological order, which also indicates the whether a learner has made progress or the other way around. In addition, when learners are presented a clear record of their work, it provides a sense of acknowledgement which in return helps them become more responsible for their own learning. Parents also benefit from this type of evaluation as it opens a channel for them to determine the growth of their children, and also identify a problem and fix it at the heart of its core before too late.

There was another opportunity for me to refine my schemata for today as I was introduced with a new video-related website called the It is basically similar to the common website that we had been using for some time, in the sense that it was possible to upload or download videos we made or of other’s. The interface looked wonderful with bright brilliant colours filling in the site’s background. I have yet to master using it but one thing for sure is that I have added another source for raw materials to help me pack a punch for my next creative activity for the primary classroom.

It was also the time for us to present last week’s work to our friend in class. Each group took their turn presenting and each one presented with an air of enthusiasm signaling that they have made appropriate preparation before coming to the front. I was amazed with their spirit and calmness when presenting, especially during the challenging fasting month. Their cool personality and ethics are just some of the essential traits that I hope to adopt later on as a teacher of the future.

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