Monday, July 21, 2008

Week one reflection

In this new and demanding age where teaching profession is becoming to be ever challenging, teachers need to have a clear overview of the goals the school has emphasized on. This is particularly important in ensuring that they are on the right track, constructing effective and relevant teaching and learning frameworks and resources, employing strategies that are suited and valid for their pupils’ varying interest and abilities, in achieving the school intended goals and is at par with the goals of National Philosophy of Education as well. The first week of attending ‘Using and developing resources for the ESL classroom’ subject made me realize the diverse ways of creating creative and interesting materials or resources and its importance in the teaching in schools.

One of the new ways was through blogging. Though it was not the first time I encountered such word, I have absolutely zero knowledge of its meanings, let alone its functions and benefit to us future-teachers. To make things worse, we were also given our first assignment which is the construction of our very own blog. During the class period, I could see some of my friends having no problem understanding about blogging, which in other words, made me feel left behind and scared. Luckily, through your explanation, I have form a basic understanding about blogging and how it is useful in becoming a medium of expressing one’s thoughts and ideas to be known by others, which is an interactive mode of sharing one’s problems and collaborating with others to find the most suitable solution. As future-teachers, I believe such method is becoming more important as the information we could gain is always up-dated and is set at par with current issues in crafting latest teaching resources. To put it in other words, I cannot wait to discover other relevant and latest methods which a teacher can utilize in helping him or her benefit more in using and developing suitable resources for the ESL classroom.

Before the class began, I already have a few expectations on what to learn and how I can benefit from your lecture. Initially, I was hoping that I could learn how to construct my very own video and try to relate it to the classroom teaching and learning process so that learning can be more fun and interactive at the same time. Of course, in the real world, there countless ways of how I can learn it on my own pace, like for example from the internet, books from the library and so on. But I figured that it would be best to initiate the learning directly with a real lecturer, who I can consult for assistance whenever possible via e-mail or blogger mediums.

In a nutshell, as teachers of tomorrow, it is inevitable that in order to ensure successful teaching and learning process proceeds as planned, the effort of using and developing effective teaching materials for the ESL classroom plays one of the most important part.

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