Monday, July 21, 2008

Week two reflection

The second week of PBEY 3102 subject proved yet to be another interesting and beneficial experience to me. During this week, we were tasked with our second assignment. Though I feel it is a little bit early to be given another assignment because we just received our first one last week, I try to calm myself and try to accommodate with the responsibilities of a student in UM. The second assignment required us to search on valuable resources like video clips, audio and visual aids through the medium of web searching, downloading, encoding, storing and saving files which will later on be compiled in a portfolio. Since I am not a very computer or internet-savvy person, I am not very sure on how to begin my research. Fortunately, the assignment is done in group of five people to make completion of the task easier and less time consuming. I was thrilled because I was planning to form a group based on the members of my housemates because it is much easier and flexible to do work with people who live near to you. However, far from what I had in mind, the each group is required to be multiracial and a combination of both genders. Though it saddens me not being able to work with people who I really know of, I have to take this situation positively and prepare for the unknown. As required, my group consist of me, Husna, Huda, Yana, and Jaswinder, which makes it four girls and one guy. Although i am not very fond of the ratio four-to-one, I believe the lecturer has a positive intention of making the group members allocation as such, probably to elicit teamwork and efficiency of working between the opposite genders. This is important for me as to create confidence and good interpersonal skill when i am transferred to a school where teachers are mainly females. Being the only male in the group and ‘promoted’ to be its leader, I had no intention of applying autocratic leadership. I hope that I am worthy of leading my group members while at the same time treating this responsibility as an opportunity to develop the skills of good leadership which I believe is a valuable experience before I become a teacher in a real school context.

In addition, we also we taught about the various components of technology for example the ability to recognize and differentiate between technology and non-technology teaching aids that are still practised in the real world, for example like games, animations, videos and so on. To me, this proofs to be an eye-opener as how much technology of countless resources could be developed and used in making the teaching and learning processes better and more beneficial to learners. As far as I am concern, most of the teaching aids I have created so far are mainly traditional technology like using mahjong paper, paper drawings, puzzle blocks and so on. Though these teaching aids may provide concrete assistance to children’s learning as proposed by Jean Piaget’s Concrete Operational stage, they are not up-to-date with the progress in technology. We find that using technology like the SMART board for instance, provides a totally different learning experience because it introduces children to interactive learning and two-way communication where they give response and interact with the board simultaneously and visually. From my past experience, children are easily distracted and get board if the learning and teaching process is dull and boring. But if the SMART board is used efficiently, it can arouse their attention, making them more focused and benefit throughout the learning period.

Besides that, I also learn a few things about how to create a tutorial. Basically, it requires me to create a detailed step-by-step progress of how to find, develop and use the materials we find that have high potential in learning and teaching context. I learned some useful keys on the keyboard like for instance, ‘print screen’ button that helps to copy and paste the page we are at and transfer it into other application like MSWord or MSPowerpoint with just a click of a few buttons. This was just some of the new knowledge that i have learnt from my group members which proofs that cooperative and collaborative assistance are essential for one’s own progress and developments. I would like to send my gratitude to all my friends who have taught me about the IT world that I know so little of. Thank you.

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